There are seven waves of healing
- Awakening: Wake up call and an invitation for making changes
- Acceptance: Letting go of whatever doesn’t promote my healing
- Intention: Declaring what I want in a clear and specific way with a desire for change
- Reframing: Shifting my perspective of a negative life experience to a positive one
- Integration: Weaving my new perspective into my life script
- Reflection: Reviewing my new perspective and making changes as needed
- Celebration: Fully embracing my new perspective and connecting with the feeling of healing. Learn to SWAY!
The first wave that we experience is the wave of awakening in our lives. We are born from our mother’s womb and we experience an awakening in that moment when we arrive from it. It is one that we may not welcome after being within the womb for nine months and we enjoyed being in there for the most part until we no longer belonged there because of our size or shape or because it was our appointed time for arrival into our human experience outside of it. We were attached to a cord that nourished us and provided all the things that we needed to thrive within the womb. For most of us, the womb was safe and warm and a place that we might not have wanted to leave. My mother told me that I wanted to stay a while longer than my expected stay in her womb. I wanted to remain in my safe place for a while longer. That may be because I was already sensing the turmoil that was soon to be my new environment. I wanted to delay my entry into it. Nonetheless, I was born and entered into it as we all have done.
This awakening that we call birth can be a gentle one or it can be a bit more harsh depending upon how we enter into this human experience. Some of us come into this experience asleep and we may be tapped on our bottom to get us to breathe separately from our cord of life that we had been breathing through all of those months. Others of us come out crying and greeting the world, sounding our arrival. We are making a grand entrance into it. Whatever our way of greeting the world is, we are born and awakened to this new life. I am here now. We come into this world through our perfect design in the only language that we know and don’t have to be taught and that is the language of feelings. The feeling that we are aware of and experience in our creation is love. We are designed perfectly from love to be who we are in our perfect design. I am not talking about the love of the two people who conceived us into our human existence. We were well designed before that human act happened. That act was simply the means for our existence in our human form to take place. I am talking about the perfect design that was long before our human form came into being. Our existence was already known and planned long before that happened. We may already have gone through several or many other life’s forms before the one that we are most experiencing in this life. The truth is they are all really a continuation of that life that began long before this one and yet they are all connected to one another in a way that we may not understand. That is the mystery of life and how it unfolds to us in its own time and way.
Many of us remain awakened for a period of time in our lives while we are developing more into our own identity and discovering who we are with the support of others until that support comes to an end. The reason the support ceases is because others begin to want to shape us and mold us into an identity that they believe is more appropriate for us not to serve ourselves, to serve the needs of others. We are given permission to be selfish babies and are worshiped for being first in our lives by others for a brief period of time because others can remember at a deeper level when they were given permission to be that way as well. They know that there is no returning for them to that selfish baby because they were told to leave that identity and become another one for others. We have all been programmed to continue this same kind of programming for the next generation. It isn’t anyone’s fault and nobody is to blame. It has become our human habit of how we have behaved with one another to continue our way of existing as a society. Selfishness is a behavior that has been discouraged and even punished at an early age by others because it interferes with the greater need for control of who we are for the sake of serving the greater good. We have been taught and programmed to serve others before ourselves throughout our lives. Feelings of guilt, shame and rejection have been introduced to us by others to keep us within the confines of this teaching. These feelings have been given to us by others to experience and to keep us in a state of fear of being rejected. The fear of rejection by others is an all powerful one because we want to belong and be accepted by others just as we did and felt when we were selfish babies. We felt loved for who we were in that stage of our lives and that we could do no wrong to lose that love until we began to hear the word NO. The first time we heard that word, it meant nothing to us. We were unfamiliar with the word NO and we continued about our way going after what we desired without any concern of what others said. We were in our selfish stage and we didn’t care who knew it. It took continuous reinforcement from others to get us to make the shift from ME ( My Empowerment) to YOU ( Yielding our Uniqueness) to others. In this shift from ME to You we also shifted from living in love for ourselves first to living for others first. We shifted from a loved based system of thriving in the ME stage to a fear based system of surviving. We became disconnected from our perfect design and creation of who we are. We became a new identity for the sake of others.
The key to healing is for us to reconnect with the selfish ME identity that we were born with and to shed the identity of YOU for others. This shift in identity to who we truly are in our original form is the first step in our reconnecting to who we are in both our humanity and our divinity. We are reawakened to both of these forms of who we are designed perfectly to be in this lifetime. This is a challenging transformation to make because others discourage us from making it out of fear that if we are allowed to do it, then others may follow us. This kind of selfish rebellion would produce chaos and disorder in the society. The word selfish has been taken and manipulated from a word about loving self first in our perfect design to loathing ourselves if we do have love ourselves first as we are designed to in our creation. What has been lost in the translation is that this selfish love isn’t an exclusive one for ourselves only. It is an inclusive love that is for all, not just for the sake of ME. It isn’t a love to be feared or discouraged. It is a love of abundance that begins with ME and then expands outwardly from me to others in the way that it is designed to do. This is the love that we are all perfectly designed in our creation and it is the love that we want to be reawakened to from within ourselves. This love has never been extinguished, only diminished and buried beneath the fear has been used to tamper it. It has been lit within all of us all the while, wanting to burn brighter and be brought to the surface for it to shine brightly once again. This lamp that burns within all of us wants to shine as we originally did and is only waiting for an invitation from us to allow it to shine as it did in our original form like the stars in the sky. The invitation is there for all of us to respond to it and accept it for us to shine brightly.
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